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Book flights with Afterpay.

Book flights with Afterpay.

Book Now, Pay Later with Afterpay

That’s right, no more waiting to book your flights. Buy now, pay later with Afterpay on all online flight bookings with Mix & Match.

If you’re ready to take that next big adventure in the sky but the everyday account has seen better balances…you can now book now, pay later with Afterpay for your flights to anywhere. That’s right, no more FOMO when that girl’s trip or family reunion takes off without you. Now with Afterpay on board, all your travel dreams can come true.

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So how does Afterpay work we hear you say?

If you are not familiar with Afterpay, Afterpay lets customers get what they need now, make their first payment upfront and the rest over six weeks. You’ll NEVER be charged interest (though you may be charged a fee if you don’t pay on time).

To see all our FAQ's about Afterpay click here.

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